Today’s business environment demands a new breed of web and wireless applications that will accelerate your entry into new markets, help you reach and retain customers, and streamline operating efficiency. To design and implement those applications, you need the proven knowledge and expertise of Altara Systems


In today’s world of complex enterprise information systems, corporations are realizing faster time-to-market and lower development costs by building their software on top of standard server-side platforms. Such a platform enables developers to craft high-performing, scalable, maintainable, and secure multi-user systems.

Altara Systems specializes on technologies that are built on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) platform. This high performance platform is designed to simplify complex problems with the development, deployment, and management of multi-tier enterprise solutions.

Because we concentrate on technologies built on open standards, our customers have the choice of vendor products and tools – an environment that promotes best-of-breed products using portable Java based applications. No longer are you locked into a one-vendor proprietary solution that can, and often will, limit your company’s growth potential. Altara Systems solutions are designed to be flexible and avoid proprietary lock in.

As your business grows, you can swap out specific components (such as web server, application server, database, or even cloud based services) of your solution, and replace it with another vendor’s product that better matches your needs. By using an Altara Systems customized solution, you’ll be making a long term investment that can easily evolve as your company meets new demands and explores new markets.